I am a 3rd year undergraduate student. I am currently pursuing my B.Tech in IT branch from the JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida. I have a good academic record with an average CGPA of 8.54 overall till 2nd year. I am a tech enthusiast and love problem solving. I indulge myself in Competitive Programming and Backend development. I have participated in a lot of Programming contests and have secured decent rank on platforms like Google Kickstart,Codeforces and Codechef. I also like to colaborate with new people to participate in hackathons.
I enjoy being challenged and engaging with projects,problems that require me to work outside my comfort and knowledge set, as continuing to learn new languages and development techniques are important to me and the success of your organization.

Apart from my Technical Skills I also have projects and team management skill.Currently I am an active member of Microsoft Mobile Innovations Lab where I have conducted various workshops on Competitive Programming and was responsible for setting problems for coding contests.